Monday, July 25, 2011

Is Rick Perry Selling Out Hispanics for Presidency?

The rumors are not yet confirmed, but polls show that Governor Rick Perry would be a worthy Republican candidate for President in 2012. He has been charming his way across America promoting his book, and getting in close with potential campaign sponsors. So how far is Perry willing to go to impress his Republican party? 

It’s crucial as Governor of Texas, which is 38% Hispanic, to be close with the Hispanic community or at least compassionate with them. Rick Perry does meet this standard. In 2001 he signed the DREAM Act, which allowed non US citizen children who have lived in Texas for 3 years and received a high school diploma or equivalent, to pay in state tuition for Texas universities and colleges.

However, in recent months since Perry has been under a magnifying glass, he has been much harsher on immigration. Given his party’s political platform and stance on immigration, it seems only necessary for Perry to step up his game and take immigration by the reins. So that is exactly what he does.

Perry’s current agenda involves passing an immigration bill, in which Texas police officers are given full authority to question any detainee on their citizenship status. When the bill was put on the floor during the Texas legislator’s regular session, it was barely voted against due to the strong sentiments from some Democratic Senators. However, the next day Perry called a special session to push the bill. Many Democrats and others in opposition of the bill, say the bill is racist against Hispanics and it encourages profiling.

Why does Perry try so hard to pass some legislation, at a time where he may possibly be in the run as a Republican nominee for President? Is he just trying to look good for the Republican caucus? It sure does appear that way, and it’s unfortunate that Hispanics are getting the short end of the stick.

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